Blender Stylized Hair PRO 是一款专为创建风格化发型设计的插件,旨在为三维艺术家和设计师提供高效的发型建模工具。通过这一插件,用户可以轻松创建各种风格化的头发效果,从卡通风格到更具艺术感的造型。Blender Stylized Hair PRO 的直观界面和丰富的预设选项使得发型创建过程更加顺畅,用户能够快速设计出符合角色和场景需求的独特发型。

Blender Stylized Hair PRO 的核心功能在于其灵活的发型生成系统,用户可以自由调整头发的形状、长度、卷曲度以及材质效果。通过简单的参数设置,即可生成复杂的发型结构,并能轻松实现动态效果。这一插件特别适用于角色设计、动画制作和游戏开发等领域,能够显著提升工作效率并确保发型的艺术表现。Blender Stylized Hair PRO 帮助用户在各种创作项目中实现精致而独特的发型效果,丰富了角色的视觉层次。

Blender Stylized Hair PRO 不断更新其功能和工具,以适应最新的创作需求。无论是个人艺术创作还是大型项目,Blender Stylized Hair PRO 都能够提供强大的支持,让用户在发型设计中获得更多的创作自由。通过这款插件,艺术家可以探索多样化的风格化发型设计,提升作品的整体艺术性和表现力,使每一个角色都拥有独特的视觉魅力和风格特征。

  • A few tweaks around the UI.
  • Performance and consistency upgrades around the Ornaments generation.
  • The 'Global Values' section has been removed

Apply Curve Mirrors

  • There is now a button to apply any mirroring you have on your hair curves, so you can continue to groom them separately.

Split a Curve into Separate Objects

  • If you have a curve with multiple splines, you can split it into separate objects with the new 'Split Curves' utility. That way they will have independent 'Stylized Hair PRO' modifiers.

Reset Section Settings

  • You can now reset a single section of settings (SHAPE, TWIST, etc...), instead of the whole setup.

Copy Settings

  • If you want to set a value for multiple curves, there is a new Copy button for each section, that will transfer the section settings to all curves in the selection.

Internal Tutorial in the UI

  • I have created an internal tutorial, which you can follow to guide you through the creation of stylized hair with the add-on. You can use it to learn about various areas of the add-on functionality.

Quick Generation for Profiles, Curls and Braids

  • Profiles, Curls and Braids can be quickly generated with the new 'Quick' buttons. It will create randomized version for each respective shape.


  • Improved 'Curl Noise'.
  • A new 'Flatten Curl' option.
  • A new 'Stylization Level' setting, that creates a more stylized angular curl shape.

Add-on Preferences

  • There is a new 'Preferences' panel, where you can chose which sections you want displayed. You can also hide the tutorial and set the Global Scale Factor.

(01-05-2024) Stylized Hair PRO v3.14 UPDATE:

  • I've fixed an issue with the braid generation, where there was only one braid created, regardless of the number of hair curves. Now there is a braid for each one.
  • Removed the 'Braid Noise Scale' setting - Now the scale is automatic, depending on the other braid settings.
  • Added a new option - Braid Tip. With this you can now create a "tied off" end, instead of the braid going through the whole length of the hair curve.
  • You can add an ornament to the braid tie-off point.
  • Added a shade mask for the braid tip section. You can access it in the "Stylized Hair PRO - Hair Attributes" node group in the Shader Editor.

Looping Wind Effects

  • There are now two options for the wind effects generation:
    • Simulated - The Wind Effects are ran through the Dynamics simulation. Creates more accurate results, but prevents looping.
    • Generated - The Wind Effects are generated as a post-effect to the Dynamics simulation. Creates less accurate results, but allows looping. These are suitable for static sculptures.
  • Improvements to the 'Simple' wind effect.


  • General optimizations for better performance.
  • I've removed the "Ribs" option from the "Band" ornament. It introduced unnecessary complication. A similar shape can be easily modeled and used as a Custom Ornament.
  • The Custom Ornaments can now be deformed to follow the curve shape.
  • Fixed a bug with the "Scrunchie" ornament not attaching to the hair curve.

Custom Hair Mesh

  • If you want to use your own custom hair mesh, or want to control some other geometry with the hair curves (like a wing or tentacle), I have created a way for you to do so. In the Utilities panel, there is now a "Custom Hair Geometry" utility, where you can pick a custom object to be deformed by the hair curve. That way you can groom it, curl it, or use the Hair Dynamics to make an animation.

Mesh & Armature

  • Renamed the "Mesh Conversion" utility to "Mesh & Armature".
  • The "Mesh & Armature" armature preview disappears when you disable "Generate Armature". Also, the preview now only shows in the viewport and doesn't render.

B-bone Armature

  • You can now automatically generate a B-bone armature from the Mesh Conversion utility. It will create the bendy bones and control handles, based on the settings you set in the B-bone tab:
    • Number of Handles - How many control handles are going to be created.
    • Handle Size - The size of the handle bones. You want this to be small for best results.
    • B-bone Segments - How many segments each bendy bone will have.


  • Various node group performance optimizations.
  • I've tweaked the UI panels by placing similar settings into separate boxes, helping with the clarity and ease of use.
  • Settings that are not active are disabled, making it more clear that a prior action is needed (for example, when the Dynamics are disabled, all the settings in that section are greyed out, unless you enable the dynamics). The goal is to avoid confusion over "not working" settings.
  • Added an 'Use Original Thickness' option in the Settings panel. With this you can control the thickness of the curve with the native tools in Blender. Generally, that's Alt-S in Edit Mode.
    • NOTE: The controls for the thickness from the add-on will be disabled, because combined with the original thickness (Curve Radius) values produce very unintuitive and hard to control results.
  • Fixed a bug with the wind dynamics, causing the curve to twitch when editing.D

Convert Curves From Old Hairstyle

  • If you have a hairstyle, created with the "traditional" method (with bézier or path curves and a profile curve), you can convert them to the "Stylized Hair PRO" setup, to take advantage of the add-on functions, like the Hair Dynamics, Shading Attributes, etc.
    Just select any curves that have a profile curve from your hairstyle and a "Convert old curves to SHP setup" button will appear in the main panel.
    If you click it, it will add the SHP modifier and set the profile curve that the original had as the new 'Custom Profile' curve. It will also check the new 'Use Original Thickness' option in the Settings panel.
