Blender Squish – Instant Better Rig Deforms是一款专为3D建模师和动画师设计的高级工具,旨在提升角色绑定的变形效果。这个工具能够帮助用户快速优化角色骨骼绑定,使得角色在各种动作下的变形更加自然和逼真。通过Blender Squish – Instant Better Rig Deforms,用户可以大幅提升角色动画的质量,确保每一个动作都表现得流畅自然。

Blender Squish – Instant Better Rig Deforms v1.1 绑定变形纠正插件-1

Blender Squish – Instant Better Rig Deforms操作界面直观简洁,用户能够快速掌握其功能并进行高效创作。工具内置的智能算法能够自动分析角色骨骼结构,优化顶点权重分配,从而实现更佳的变形效果。用户可以灵活调整各种参数,精细控制角色的每一个细节动作,确保角色在各种复杂动作下都能保持完美的形态。无论是静态姿势还是动态动画,Blender Squish – Instant Better Rig Deforms都能提供卓越的支持。

Blender Squish – Instant Better Rig Deforms不断优化和更新,开发团队致力于提供最先进的技术支持。丰富的社区资源和详细的教程为用户提供了极大的帮助,使初学者和专业人士都能充分利用这款工具的强大功能。Blender Squish – Instant Better Rig Deforms凭借其卓越的性能和便捷的操作,赢得了众多用户的青睐,成为3D建模和动画制作过程中不可或缺的重要助手。

  • Included a basic user manual to the downloadable files.
  • Added option to use collections.
  • Added option to use object colliders.
  • Upgraded Spread parameter from integer to float
  • Added option to control spread using a vertex group
  • Added inbuilt corrective smooth
  • Lowered minimum possible spread
  • Completely fixed random geometry popping.
  • Added more demos for collections, object colliders and spread vertex groups.
  • Renamed the subgroups from "~" to more descriptive names. Added a "." to exclude sub-groups from the Geometry node group data-block list.
  • Removed unnecessary attribute smoothing (Performance improvement)
  • Fixed glitching for higher (>10) spread values

Update 1.0

  • Separated depression and inflation strength inputs
  • Added smoothing to depressions
  • Performance improvements

Update 0.2

  • Minor performance improvements
  • Made Blender 3.1 compatible
  • Improved deformation output across different mesh densities
  • Fixed occasional glitching
  • Added depressions
