Blender Screen Space Global Illumination是一种在三维图形中实现逼真光照效果的技术。它通过模拟光线在场景中的传播,创建出逼真的全局光照效果。这种技术在计算机图形学中具有重要地位,能够显著提升图像的真实感和细节表现。

Blender Screen Space Global Illumination v1.1.3 屏幕空间全局照明插件-1

Blender Screen Space Global Illumination的实现依赖于光线追踪算法和屏幕空间技术的结合。光线追踪算法负责模拟光线在场景中的反射、折射和散射,而屏幕空间技术则利用现有的屏幕渲染数据进行计算,从而减少计算资源的消耗。这个方法既能确保高质量的光照效果,又能维持实时渲染的性能,使得用户在创建复杂的三维场景时能够更加高效。

Blender Screen Space Global Illumination的应用范围广泛,涵盖游戏开发、影视制作、建筑可视化等多个领域。在游戏开发中,它可以创造出更为生动的场景和角色,在影视制作中,它能够实现更加细腻的光影效果,在建筑可视化中,它则能提供更加真实的建筑模型展示。通过这一技术,艺术家和设计师能够更加自由地表达创意,同时也为观众带来了更加震撼的视觉体验。

  • SSGI Native 1.0 First version of native SSGI implementation in a Blender 2.93 alpha build.
  • SSGI Native 1.1 Compatible with newer master. Fixed translucent shader.
  • SSGI Native 1.11 Fixed diffuse input not being masked by metallic in Principled BSDF. (Issue introduced in 1.1)
  • SSGI Native 1.12 Fixed glossy input being skipped when no SSR present - globally or per node. Fixed some alpha issues. Fixed SSGI settings being reset on every file open.
  • SSGI Native 1.13 Updated to be compatible with latest Blender master, redone based on the newest SSR shader with small improvements and better half resolution trace resolve. 
  • SSGI Native 1.13 Updated latest version on 2.93.1 to include fixes for some GPU crashes (Fixes by Procedural). Added back link to external download of Mac, Linux and experimental builds (1.14 with wip denoising and broken half res trace).
  • SSGI Native 1.15b Built on Blender 3.12. Included denoising options for SSGI and experimental world probe tracing that replaces default Eevee diffuse component world lighting. (Currently the default values in SSGI settings aren't accurate, requires per scene adjustment).
  • SSGI Native 1.16a Built on Blender 3.6.2. Updated compatibility to newer Blender versions. Albedo color value input no longer internally clamped. Probe trace intensity value closer to correct by default. Reorganized UI settings. Added difference output of alpha blender materials to Ambient Occlusion node (temporary implementation) to make it possible to do zdepth soft blended alpha cards and other depth based effects. Variety of minor bug fixes. 25.09.23 - Updated add a quick fix for correct mix shader node behaviour.
  • SSGI Native 1.17a Built on Blender 3.6.2. Additional fixes for correct material node tree behaviour.
  • SSGI Native 1.17b Built on Blender 4.0.2 Updated to Blender 4.0. Eevee Subsurface scattering maximum samples increased to avoid banding for some NPR use cases.
  • SSGI Native 1.17r Built on Blender 4.0.2 Fixed broken ambient occlusion from last update.
